Chat Widget Installation

January 31, 2016

1. Copy the following code:

<!-- Start of gauntlet Zendesk Widget script -->

<script>/*<![CDATA[*/window.zEmbed||function(e,t){var n,o,d,i,s,a=[],r=document.createElement("iframe");window.zEmbed=function(){a.push(arguments)},window.zE=window.zE||window.zEmbed,r.src="javascript:false",r.title="",r.role="presentation",(r.frameElement||r).style.cssText="display: none",d=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),d=d[d.length-1],d.parentNode.insertBefore(r,d),i=r.contentWindow,s=i.document;try{o=s}catch(e){n=document.domain,r.src='javascript:var;d.domain="'+n+'";void(0);',o=s}{var o=this.createElement("script");n&&(this.domain=n),"js-iframe-async",o.src=e,this.t=+new Date,this.zendeskHost=t,this.zEQueue=a,this.body.appendChild(o)},o.write('<body onload="document._l();">'),o.close()}("//","");


<!-- End of gauntlet Zendesk Widget script -->

2. Go to the Online Store > Themes section of your admin and click the Edit Code option:

3. Take the following code and paste it between the <head> tags:

4. Go to your storefront and start a chat by clicking this icon. Enter in a greeting message as though you work for Shopify (this is what the "merchant" will see first when they open the chat):

5. Enter in your personal details by clicking "Please update your info":

6. Be sure to keep Skype upon and available, as you never know what to expect- dun dun dun!